Cupid’s Kiss
Set in a red pot, this bouquet’s blend of romantic red and soft pink roses radiates gentle affection and passionate love. The addition of pink carnations adds an extra layer of sweetness, while the heart-shaped balloons floating above evoke the whimsical touch of Cupid's arrow.
Set in a red pot, this bouquet’s blend of romantic red and soft pink roses radiates gentle affection and passionate love. The addition of pink carnations adds an extra layer of sweetness, while the heart-shaped balloons floating above evoke the whimsical touch of Cupid's arrow.
Set in a red pot, this bouquet’s blend of romantic red and soft pink roses radiates gentle affection and passionate love. The addition of pink carnations adds an extra layer of sweetness, while the heart-shaped balloons floating above evoke the whimsical touch of Cupid's arrow.